Tag: hardware

  • Steve Jobs talks about the MacBook Air 11″ with Bill Gates

    Source: Netbooks aren’t so cheap because of…

  • iPhone 4, Re-Revealed

    Apple’s next iPhone has finally been re-revealed. It’s called iPhone 4 and it’s just about everything we’d expected. Here are the best bits of news and information—aside from Steve Jobs’ WWDC meltdown: iPhone 4: The Definitive Guide The iPhone’s Retina Display Explained iPhone Video-Calling (Also Known As FaceTime) Explained The iBooks Update (Complete With PDF…

  • Apple’s Revenge contra o Gizmodo

    recoiledsnake writes “Gizmodo is reporting that Apple has refused to answer its request to attend the company’s big Worldwide Developers Conference keynote this Monday. Apple’s move to ban Gizmodo seems a direct repercussion of Apple’s prototype leak by Gizmodo and subsequent actions of Apple to get the prototype back. Meanwhile, Gizmodo said that it would…

  • Dominó de PCs

    Vejam bem esta cena marada (HÁ MESMO MALTA QUE FAZ DE TUDO)

  • Thund 3 Rburst Coming Q3 2007

    Bem já tenho uma data estimada para comprar um PC todo do zero (dai a 2/3 anos deve vir outro :P) após o meu Thunderburst (Pentium 4 2.0 GHz/1GB RDRAM PC800/Geforce 4400 Ti/120GB HDD, etc.; actualmente na posse do meu melhor amigo João Miguel) e do meu actual Thunderburst 2 (AMD Athlon 64 3800+/Geforce 6600GT…