Tag: blogging

  • The blog is asleep

    As you may have noticed, I haven’t posted in my blog for quite some time. As of now I don’t have the time or patience to maintain it anymore. So consider it as being asleep until I change my mind. I might eventually replace it with a plain HTML + CSS + JavaScript webpage that…

  • A melhor plataforma de blogging

    Está a decorrer no lifehacker uma votação a respeito de qual a melhor plataforma de blogging. Independentemente de ter votado no posterous, pois é actualmente a plataforma de blogging que utilizo, chamo todos os meus leitores a votarem na plataforma que pretendem. Podem votar aqui NOTA: O posterous é o meu favorito para hosting feito…

  • WordPress 3.0

    Arm your vuvuzelas: WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for download (or upgrade within your dashboard). Major new features in this release include a sexy new default theme called Twenty Ten. Theme developers have new APIs that allow…